Cutting Methods - Garment Manufacturing
Cutting is the process which cut out the pattern pieces from specified fabric for making garments. Using the markers made from graded patterns and in accordance with the issue plan, fabrics are cut to prepare garment assembly. This is the major operation of the cutting room, of all of the operations in the cutting room this is the most decisive because once the fabric has been cut, very little can be done to rectify serious mistakes.
Apparel manufacturers share the builder’s appreciation for cutting with precision. Before workers make the first incision into layers of fabric, they must ensure that the fabric is properly arranged, in a process called spreading. After spreading, the pattern map is placed on top of the stack, and the markers are cut. Various types of cutters are used.
Methods of Fabric Cutting
In the garments industry, there are two available cutting methods, are:
- Manual Method,
- Computerized Method.
1-) Manual Fabric Cutting Method
Here cutting process is done by using a knife, scissors, drill, etc. The knife is placed in the head of the cutting machine. The manual method is the most used cutting method in the garments industry. The manual cutting method can be done by using the following equipment:
- Round knife,
- Band Knife,
- Straight Knife,
- Scissor,
- Die-cutting,
- Drill.
Advantage of Manual Cutting Method:
1-) Easy process of cutting.
2-) Educated manpower is not required.
3-) The low-cost knife is enough here to cut the fabric.
4-) Low maintenance cost.
Disadvantage of the Manual Cutting Method:
1-) Slow process.
2-) It is not suitable for large scale production.
3-) Cutting speed cannot be controlled.
4-) The intensity of the accident is very high.
5-) Higher labor cost than computerized cutting method.
2-) Computerized Fabric Cutting Method
In the modern clothing manufacturing industry, the computerized cutting method becomes so much popular day by day due to its higher production and less time-consuming efficiency. Here all programs are loaded into the computer and the computer performs all the activities which are loaded. The computerized cutting method can be done by using the following equipment:
- Straight knife cutting,
- Water jet cutting,
- Laser beam cutting,
- Plasma torch cutting.
Advantage of Computerized Cutting Method
1-) Very much effective cutting by a computer-controlled system.
2-) Very fast cutting operation.
3-) Suitable for large scale production.
4-) Cutting speed can be controlled.
5-) The intensity of the accident is very low.
6-) No need for any marker.
7-) Fabrics can be cut 7-8 times higher than the manual cutting method.
8-) Low labor cost.
Disadvantage of the Computerized Cutting Method
1-) Higher maintenance cost.
2-) Skilled and educated manpower is required.
3-) So much expensive machine.
4-) If the correct disc is not loaded in the computer, then an error will be indicated.
Garment markers, spreading, and cutting. Learn about pattern engineering, marker making, and cutting methods:
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